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Legacy Problems

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Legacy Problems

Paula is our dear friend and faithful Pandemic Legacy companion. Faithful until she had to move to the other side of the country for work. Granted, we live on a pretty small island, but a six-hour journey is still a bit much for a board game. Even one as good as Pandemic Legacy.

If you haven’t yet played it and are wondering does it live up to the hype, the short but definite answer is yes. Not six-hour commute good, but close.

The good news is, Paula is back home for a few weeks next month, so we will basically be setting up a camp bed for her in the games room. We are only in August, so have a lot of game to get through.

Our year of Pandemic has not been the total washout that the comic makes it out to be, but there have been times when we have felt less like we were playing the game, and more like the game was simply toying with us, biding its time until crushing us in the last moments. Waiting for us to feel secure in victory, certain of a win.

In Pandemic Legacy, hubris is the greatest danger. You can never, ever, get cocky, or let your guard down. That’s what it wants the most.

In the meantime, we are continuing our journey into D&D, playing some more games, and learning more of the system, and how the game works. We’ve got the books now, and I’ve started planning a small introductory adventure for another group of our friends. I’ve had a lot of people point me towards a lot of great resources, but the best by far is Matthew Colville’s Youtube series on running a D&D campaign. His videos are pitched at beginners, entertaining, and cover everything from character creation to world-building.

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