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Let’s Go Exploring

Let’s Go Exploring published on 25 Comments

Let’s Go Exploring

Thank you to every one of our readers, who made every moment of this worthwhile.

Thank you to our guest contributors, who allowed us to take breaks, and ensured we came back reinvigorated, by creating comics so good we felt we had to up our own game.

Thank you to anyone who ever shared our comic with a friend, or on social media, and helped spread the word.

Thank you to the readers that we had the pleasure of meeting – hopefully in the years to come, we will get to meet some more.

Thank you to everyone who ever left even a single comment. I feel like I say it all the time, but it’s true: comments are what connected us to our readers, and what kept us going, week to week. We will keep our social media, and this site, up and running so we can stay in touch, and let you all what we will be working on in the future. Please, always feel free to say hello and keep in touch with us. We still want to talk about board games with you all, so let us know what you are playing!

Thank you to all of our great friends that we get to play games with. You are a great bunch of people, and damned hilarious as well. Playing games with you all is what kept the comic going!

Lastly, I want to mention Semi Co-op. Their fantastic weekly webcomic is where you can still go to get your fix board game-related shenanigans. They are lovely people, and they are making a wonderful comic. They mentioned once to us that Tiny Wooden Pieces is part of what inspired them to make their own comic. That might just be the best thing that anyone has ever said about Tiny Wooden Pieces, and knowing that we had even a small part in getting someone else to do something like this is the best legacy I can think of.

They update every Monday, and while you are checking out their comic, know that we will be there with you.


Thank you for reading.

No New Comic This Week – Comics will resume next week

No New Comic This Week – Comics will resume next week published on 0 Comments

No new comic this week! After two great guest comics and a Christmas special, we are taking one week off before throwing ourselves once more into the unforgiving arms of a weekly comic update schedule. Unforgiving, but nonetheless rewarding, challenging, creative & fun. As ever, the guest comics and the time off has allowed us to recharge our creative batteries, and we do feel that this allows us to make better comics. It also allows us time to play more games, which we think is pretty great as well.

We also now have an Instagram account! Our account is twpcomic – just a couple of posts so far while we figure it out, but we would really appreciate it if you could give us a follow. You can also find us on twitter via the same handle – @twpcomic. The Tiny Wooden Pieces New Year’s Resolution is in fact to do a lot more on social media this year, so you will find a lot of our ramblings, thoughts, unsolicited opinions, sketches, games we’re playing and pictures of dogs we think look like famous people on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook this year.

So, until next week, we hope you all had some lovely time off, and got to spent some time with friends & loved ones. And if that time was spent playing board games with them, then all the better. As far as we are concerned, there is no better way to spend your time than playing games with good friends, and our own personal New Year’s Resolution is to spend more of our time doing exactly that.

Happy New Year!

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