The unconnected but in-the-same-vein Deleted Scenes Part I can be found here. Deleted Scenes is our way of showing some outtakes from our gaming table in 2014. Incidents that didn’t quite make it as comics, but were enough to warrant some bonus material, found lurking at the end of the year, after the main feature has ended, but before you can gather up the energy to turn off the DVD and go to bed.
While the incident described above didn’t actually happen, it is lifted directly from a conversation with a friend. Who has yet to join us at the gaming table, I might add. I am not sure if this will make them more or less likely to do so. Time, and perhaps a follow-on comic, will tell.
This comic marks the end of our regularly scheduled programming for 2014. We will have some content on the site over Christmas (keep an eye on twitter), but normal service will resume January 2nd. We hope you will join us in welcoming our first full year of comics, and we hope you spend some time playing board games with your loved ones over the holidays.
Remember folks, structured fun is the best fun!
Merry Christmas.